465 N. Palm Canyon Dr-Palm Springs CA

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

OK OK....there are wonderful figural bakelite items too!

Having just posted a stellar group of geometric bangle bracelets, I figured it only fair to pander to those of you who love bakelite's figural category of pins. I tow the line at the overly cute-sy nursery rhymey infantile baby nimal pins and the like..but this overdyed RARE monkey pin with its subtle resin washed detail and leather ears is a special one. I personally, have a thing about monkeys, they're definitely not for me, in any format, but this is a rare and special pin for those of you not freaked out by monkeys...(It's kinda like the Evil clown thing....Im just kinda scared of em,,and feel sorry for em too)....and the larger resin washed and square cut rhinestone embellished dreadlock lady head pin is another big IMPORTANT figural pin with tons of verve and style that is not cute-sy either....and commands much attention when worn as a suit pin or dramatic accessory.  Just because me, 'the author', doesnt get these personally too well..doesnt mean they should be summarily dismissed. fiugural bakelite pins are great buys these days.....and have to increase in value back to their former glory shop away...and call or write about these two , should you be so inclined!

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