465 N. Palm Canyon Dr-Palm Springs CA

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Remember RETRO worship?

Whatever happened to the love of retro style? I don't know if Mid Century Modern and Mad Men and modern obsessions have totally supplanted folks interest in the 1940's in favor of the 70's and 80;s--but Ive always been a big fan of the retro gold or faux pink gold, lotsa  faux rubies and diamonds, fantastical and geometrical animals and patterns---This is a famous art deco retro CORO duette, each side slides off a little holder to become an individual clip, and can be worn either spearately or together as a brooch. Trifai called them "Clip-Mates"--Coro "Duettes" and they are a hallmark or 40's retro design sensibilities. Anybody recognize em?

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